My great friend, mentor, and spiritual counselor, Gene Thomas
Created by johnlittle4 12 years ago
Gene Thomas was the finest spiritual counselor, mentor, and witness to the love, power, and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ that I have ever known. When I had run out of GI Bill benefits at the U. of Colorado (Boulder), I asked Gene how I could get a job. He said "Get yourself a school." It turned out that there was a shortage of teachers in country/mountain schools, and so a person with only two years of university could get a temporary teacher's certificate. I signed up at the Colorado State Teachers Placement Service (fee: 25 cents), and almost immediately was summoned for an interview with the secretary of the Chromo, CO, school board (one-room school, eight grades in one room, 25 miles from a telephone). Great job, and wonderful pupils. Then, when I finally got my B.A. and was teaching in a rural consolidated high school, I asked Gene how I could get a job overseas and thus see the world. He urged me to apply for the M.A. program in Linguistics at the U. of Michigan (Ann Arbor). I did so, and was hired to train English teachers in Indonesia. This position led to a number of other overseas jobs (Cambodia, Burma, Turkey, and Australia--and back to Indonesia). And I wouldn't have been able to qualify for my present position as a research analyst with the U.S. Army (23 years now) had it not been for Gene's "starting me on the track." Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!